Bandwagon of your own birth
How to get off it
He was still alive
When we got there
“Kim is a dying language”
Nautilus spiral
In Southern hemisphere
No way out
Dead end
Go quantum
My friend
Be everywhere at once
Dying and living
Doing no harm
My name
And the upshot?
What, this?
This what?
Code red
"Pray for the people inside your head"
The ones who will never be
Tickled pink
Singing from the belly
The swipe I took at him
Was centuries old
"...the awful system of life and death."
"He said everything alive was at war. "
This spirit of shards
Applying for jobs
In the before and
Poor old beautiful
Delicious dirty girl
All the great things of life
He couldn't put in his CV
His spectacular fizzles
His laughing sex his
His pregnancies and births
Dirty little betrayals
To earth she now returns
Like shit
You stepped in
And brought
I loved her bottom half
The way
She stumbled
Into dancing
The art of slowly
Into the earth
Looming doom
Little justice system
In the small
Of her back
Known to me alone
Loyal to the ordinary
Promises made
To the sun
I was chasing
Her skin
My behavior was
I was carrying
Of light.
Like tuning forks
Around me.
If I see something
I will say something.
This poem
A blank check
Nights my dick
Jumped out of bed
And wandered the city
The death that followed
The life
Was a good one
And we danced with
The dead one
Till morning
Look who's talking
Look who's peeping
It was commonplace
To embrace
Lick and take the body
Of the other
Into our own.
Breathing sweetened our days.
We had brains
And the freedom not to use them.
We bent ourselves into
Question marks
That pierced our own hearts.
Where's Waldo
In the small
Of the day
Flying on my back propelled backwards
Rachel there unseen
The greatest happiness amazing flying
Unnamed lived four months.
No humanity membership card
For him.
Tenure denied.
Breathing rights revoked.
He lived four months
Glorious and miserable
With his four pounds
A rag on this Earth.
He did smile once
Said his mother
To make him human.
Breasts and the girls
Who carry them
Like armfuls of fruit
Want freedom
My heart's yours
For the taking
Suspicious package
In bed
All the snares and traps
Are set and singing
Nooses braided neat
And gently swinging
I was taking on
The tide in me
Fast rising
Three women
Pulling from the moon
Bail me out
With a slotted spoon
Cast ashore
Like puzzle pieces
The desert island
The Lost and Found
And not even a dream
Between us
Click languages (listen)
Play peek a boo
For the rest of my life
Perfectly happy
I was talking to Sea Level
To Horizon Line
To Circumference
And Mean Time.
Scribble and Trouble
He doesn't know
What to do
With his hands.
So then I give her
The river
And what does she do
With it
Tooth fairy
Left those children
Under their pillows
Shuffling viruses
During my hundredth
Who owns my voice?
It's not my own
Springtime and
The phantom limb
Of his libido
“That was one motherfuckin’
$2 Leprechaun!”
The first question is
Is there a surface
The curvature zero
Degenerate flow
Region that suggests
We come back to being sucked masterfully
Bounded by everything
Little stuff
Sick to death of three dimensions
Go to my grave with the proof
I just wanted to confirm
A one parameter family in the
Canonical neighborhood
Everywhere the curvature ancient solution
Then there's very little left
In three dimensions
Hyper dimensions
You get everywhere
Believe me
You don't want me
In your army
Every day
I owe you big-time
The arc of your life
In the village of sorry
Going from dark to light
Big now
In the wee dimension
You have come to this
Every seed
Lower power
Let's take her infinite hand
I have enough volume now
Let go my ball and chain
R plus R on cherry tree lane
Do you want to breathe now
Or later?
Please let cupola open
I lived
My Twinkie defense
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Hold onto each other
Blackberry has dingleberries
Macaroni and cheese
In SOME universe
otherwise identical to ours
Ran down to beach
At dawn today
Hands in opposite pockets
Held breath
One eye closed
Thinking not thinking
Picked up shells with teeth
ass hole
Washed up
On shore
Message in it
Lost ring
Found ring
Ran home on hands
House had turned to gold
-- New York, July 2009