For Goyo
Permission had to be
To utter
Each word
Public speeches
Had to be authorized
Even bedroom whispers
Words with magical powers
Like "the"
Like "papaya"
Like "everybody"
Like "because"
Like "breath"
Required special permission
Since the bureaucracy was slow
Parents had to apply well in advance
For their baby's first word
People would often have to wait in silence for years
Words sitting
Forlorn and angry
On the tip of their tongue
Unauthorized speech
Was severely punished
Were subjected
To painful
Word extractions
In the public square
Some of the words so removed
Were painstakingly rehabilitated
Released back into the language
On parole
But others
The incorrigibles
Were hollowed out
Stripped of meaning
Reduced to a hum
A mumble or a moan
Or simply executed
A few
No one knows how many
Managed to escape
God knows how
The word was
They formed maroon communities
In the forests
Where they mounted their defenses
Regained their health
And reproduced
Some people claimed to hear
The rebels chattering or singing
In the forest
On clear
On dark
On quiet
People said
Or rather they
They dreamt
The redacted words
Would return and free them one day
Whole vocabularies
Would ride triumphantly into the cities
And loosen their
-- New York, June 2010